
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Grayson Hunter Hill: In Our Hearts Forever

Dear Grayson,

We never really knew the true depths of love until we found out that we were pregnant. We loved you from the moment we saw you on the ultrasound and were overcome with joy when we found out we were having twins, two boys. You were so active in your mother’s belly. We thought that you might become an Olympic gymnast with the amount of twists and flips you were able to pull off. Carter was much calmer and liked to cuddle with you, his beloved brother. We loved you when we first saw your sweet face on your birthday—November 17th. There was no question that you were destined to be named Grayson Hunter. You have brought nothing but pure joy into our lives and into our hearts and we will cherish and love you for the rest of our days.

Even though you only had 27 days of life on Earth, you will be a part of our family forever. We will never forget you. Every time we close our eyes, we can still see your precious face. Every day we will remember you as Hans, “Baby B”, our second child, and Carter’s younger brother. Despite being born 12 weeks early, you showed us that you were a strong, determined, and brave little boy. You always made us smile with your grumpy face. We loved to hold you and rub your back. You loved to hold our fingers with your tiny hand, an act your father cherished most, as your grip was so strong and life affirming.

Sunday, December 13th was a tragedy for our family. We chose to have your last moments of life to be spent in our arms. We hope that this brought you comfort in some way. We held you tight and rocked you and kissed your head. We hope that this eased your pain and brought peace into your heart when you departed.

As your parents, our hearts are broken that you had to leave us so soon. We are at a loss for any explanation as to why you couldn’t stay. We feel cheated out of the life that we were anticipating for us as a family. Despite all of our grief and sorrow, please know that you will never be forgotten or replaced. You will always be our son and Carter will always be reminded of his special twin brother. We know that the two of you will be connected forever. We promise to try our best to remain strong and brave for Carter. We know that he deserves to have a strong family to help him grow and develop through his life. We promise to focus on all of our happy memories with you. In your short life, you have given us enough love and happiness to fill our hearts for a lifetime and to help our family feel complete.

Please rest in peace knowing that you were such a special little boy. You were loved by so many people who never even met you. You will live in our family’s hearts forever.

We are honored to be your parents.


Mom and Dad


Jen Badraun said...

Absoutly precious! Your strenght and courage is amazing and I will continue to cover you all with prays of silent support! You and husband are doing a beautiful job enduring lifes trials. Hope that you begain to experience the joy Carter will bring you two!
Blessings and prayers,
Jen Badraun

dianeandjack said...

You have both said everything so beautifully! Thinking of you often. So surprised to hear Carter was going home already, but I know you will be great parents. You have so much love surrounding you! Congratulations on homecoming!

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